Business Plan Template

Recommend using

Elevator Pitch (60 seconds)

One Sheet - Investor Summary (must be one page cover all the key points of the plan)

Full Business Plan (60+ pages)

Section 1 Executive Summary Similar to One Sheet

Section 2 Market Size How much will the new product penetrate and how fast?

Section 3 Marketing Plan How will the company capture new customers?

Section 4 Competitive Analysis Most founders do not do a good job on this

Section 5 Product Plan Technology

Section 6 Financial Plan How does company make money? What is the Business Model? Preferably in full proforma pnl/balance sheet and cash flow statement by an accountant with projected burn rate and time to break even

Section 7 Management Team

Section 8 Use of Proceeds

Section 9 Pre-money Valuation Meaning how much do you value the company before investment is made and why?

Section 10 Legal Structure / board seats / c-corp / preferred shares

Last updated